![]() Recent news:
05/24: Congratulations Liam on winning a poster Award at this years Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Biology (OCIB) symposium! Well done!!! 04/24: Sally Adil will join the lab on an NSERC-USRA for the summer in May. Congratulations, Sally and welcome to the lab! 04/24: Sophie Sullivan and Matthew Damboise will join the lab as Honour's students in the fall semester! Welcome to the lab! 04/24: Congratulations Dinusha on passing the Comprehensive exam. Well done! 04/24: Jan presented the lab's recent progress on EDC research in zebrafish at the CIAPE/ICEDA award conference. We thank CIAPE/ICEDA for this recognition and acknowledge all the excellent work from students, visiting researchers and collaborators, past and present! 04/24: Excellent job Anna, Catherine, and Lai at the Honour's posters research day! Below are a few impressions from the event. ![]() 04/24: Congratulations to former visiting student Sergio Cortes, and former graduate students Elie Farhat and Giancarlo Talarico on their publication 'The dynamic transcriptomic response of the goldfish brain under chronic hypoxia' in the Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D.
03/24: Congratulations (x2!) to Nipu on successfully completing his Comprehensive exam and being awarded the Thomas Moon scholarship award 2024. Well done!! 03/24: Congratulations to Dr. Hyojin Lee and visiting student Sergio Cortes on their publication 'Empirical Characterization of False Discovery Rates of Differentially Expressed Genes and Transcriptomic Benchmark Concentrations in Zebrafish Embryos' in ES&T. A true team-effort with the Yauk lab at uOttawa and Jason O'Brien at ECCC! 12/23: The lab's work on endocrine disruptors was recognized through the Early Career Research Award awarded by the Centre Intersectoriel d'analyse des perturbateurs endocriniens (CIAPE) in Québec City. Thank you to CIAPE and to all lab members, past and present, for their excellent contributions. 11/23: Jory Curry, co-supervised by Dr. O'Brien at Environment and Climate Change Canada successfully defended his MSc thesis today and was nominated for a thesis award. Congratulations, Jory - well done!! 11/23: Lab hike in Gatineau Park - Pink Lake. The lab spent a beautiful afternoon with the Gilmour lab and colleague M. Delcourt around Pink Lake. 09/23: Congratulations to Giancarlo on the publication of the first chapter of his MSc thesis: the manuscript "Lactate signalling and fuel selection in rainbow trout: Mobilization of energy reserves" has been accepted for publication AJP-American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Collaboration with the Weber lab at uOttawa and Loïc Teulier's Comparative Physiology group at Université Claude Bernard Lyon, are gratefully acknowledged!
08/23: It's been a while since updates were posted, and the Mennigen lab has several good news to share: 1. We received CIHR funding to support the project ''effects of fluorinated pollutants on maternal metabolic health: a translational toxicology approach' led by our Carleton University colleague Dr. Jenny Bruin. We will also collaborate with Dr. Laia-Navarro Martìn on the Spanish Ministerio de Cienca e innovation grant 'Spatial and single cell multi-omics: A novel integrative approach to study disruption of germ cell molecular fates by EDCs during puberty onset in fish'. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements in the future. 2. Liam Johnston received an OGS to support his MSc work on the effect of hypoxia on lactate metabolism using flux measurements and molecular approaches. Congratulations, Liam! 3. Two manuscripts from the lab have been accepted for publication this month. Congratulations Divya, Kusum, Dinusha, Nipu and uOttawa zebrafish facility member Vishal for the publication of the manuscript 'Knock-out of vasotocin reduces reproductive success in female zebrafish, Danio rerio' in Frontiers of Endocrinology. Former MSc student Bailey Bedard in collaboration with ECCC and the River Institute in Cornwall published the manuscript 'Variation in Habitat Use and Its Consequences for Mercury Exposure in two Eastern Ontario Bat Species, Myotis lucifugus and Eptesicus fuscus' in Ecotoxicology. Congratulations to all involved, and stay tuned for more updates soon. 06/23: Congratulations to Dr. Hyojin Lee, who received postdoctoral fellowship from the National Research Foundation of Korea! Hyojin is working on understanding the toxicological effects of “forever chemicals” (per- and poly-fluorinated substances) using genomics and the zebrafish embryo model. Hyojin is co-supervised by Jason O’Brien (Environment and Climate Change Canada) and Carole Yauk (uOttawa). 06/23: Jan presented the lab's work on avp knock-out zebrafish at the 12th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish in Crete, Greece. 03/23: Back to back birthdays and a good-bye to Giancarlo in the lab! 03/23: Hyojin presented work on PFOS at the 1st Canadian Zebrafish Community Research conference at CHUM in Montreal, QC.
03/23: Congratulations to Dr. Hyojin Lee and Jory Curry as well as co-authors from the Ekker and Tu labs on the publication identifying effects of PFOS and PFOS-replacement compounds ('forever chemicals') on the zebrafish dopaminergic system and locomotor response in Environmental Pollution.
02/23: After a pandemic hiatus, the lab was excited to present work at the Annual Physiology and Biochemistry Workshop in Keene, Ontario this year! ![]() 02/23: Congratulations Jory for being awarded a CGS-M scholarship and congratulations Giancarlo for the publication of part of your MSc work exploring the efficacy of a mammalian insulin receptor antagonist in trout. For more information click here.
01/23: Welcome to the lab Nipu Niepukolie (PhD), Dinusha Rajapaksha (PhD) and Liam Johnston (MSc). 12/22: Congratulations Giancarlo on an excellent MSc thesis and defence. Stay tuned for publications of his work on fuel selection and metabolite signalling in rainbow trout from his MSc work in the Weber and Mennnigen labs. 11/22: Congratulations Divya on a successful MSc thesis defence and the publication of an international, collaborative review on the role of nonapeptides in fish reproduction! 10/22: Recent intramural articles featuring the lab's. Click here and here to learn more! 09/22: Welcome to the lab Fatemeh and Vaibhav! 04/22: Welcome to post-doc Hyojin Lee who will be working on PFAS toxicity in zebrafish in close collaboration with Dr. Jason O'Brien at ECCC and Dr. Yauk (uOttawa). 01/22: Congratulations to lab Alumni Raphael Chakal and Tyler Eng for co-authoring a recently accepted publication on the cumulative effects of nanoplastics and persistent organic pollutants on zebrafish metabolism. Thank you also to our collaborators. 01/22: Congratulations Bailey on an excellent MSc defence! 12/21: The lab recently participated in a collaborative review on inter- and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals through an initiative headed by CIAPE-ICADEA. Check out the open-access publication here. 07/21: Mais Jubouri's integrative MSc work on alanine's role on rainbow trout glucoregulation has just been accepted in JEB. Congratulations also to co-authors Giancarlo Talarico and J-M Weber. 05/21: Congratulations to Dan Kostyniuk on winning the uOttawa Commission on Graduate Studies in Sciences Thesis prize 2020! Well done! 04/21: Welcome to Jory Curry, a new MSc student in the lab co-supervised with Jason O'Brien at ECCC who will be using embryonic zebrafish contaminant exposures to develop transcriptomics-based dose-response modelling as risk assessment tools. 04/21: Congratulations to Jacey, Mélissa, Shahd and Raphael for their successful completion of their Honour projects under challenging conditions this year. We will miss you in the lab and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Thank you for all your work! 03/21: Wonderful recognitions of the Team's work over the last little while. Exciting student-driven research. Click here and here to learn more. ![]() 12/20: The secret (socially-distant) Santa paid the lab a visit. Happy holidays everyone!!
12/20: Mais Jubouri successfully defended her M.Sc. thesis and did a great job. Congratulations Mais, we are very proud of you!!! 08/20: Welcome to the lab: Divya Ramachandran (M.Sc.), Giancarlo Talarico (M.Sc.) and undergraduates Jacey Chou, Shahd Haddad, Melissa Grégoire and Raphael Chakal. 05/20: New papers from the lab on metabolic consequences of developmental BPA exposure in zebrafish (Rubén Martinez), interactive effects of nanoplastic and the persistent organic pollutant (F-53) exposure on zebrafish immune system parameters (collaboration with Wenqin Tu), and effects of dietary carbohydrates on reproductive parameters in rainbow trout broodstock (collaboration with Lucie Marandel). Congratulations everyone! 05/20: In spite of the postponed convocation, congratulations to Dan Kostyniuk (M.Sc.) and undergraduate students Julianne Magnan, Tyler Eng, Christine Hum, Jordan Corcoran and Giancarlo Talarico. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours! 01/20: Dan Kostyniuk has been nominated for a MSc thesis prize! Congratulations Dan, well-deserved! 01/20: Check out the recent press release of our research on metabolic effects of emerging fluorinated compounds here: Tu et al., 2019. Rubén Martinez, a co-author involved in the study, gave an interview on the subject on CBC International. 01/20: Dan Kostyniuk sucessfully defended his MSc work. Congratulations Dan and a big thank you to all collaborators involved in this work! 10/19: New research from the lab revealing metabolism disrupting effects of Chinese PFOS alternatives has been published in Environmental Science and Technology. Congratulations Tu and co-authors! 09/19: Zeinab Altmieme and Dan Kostyniuk have MSc work articles accepted in Physiological Genomics, PLoS One and the Journal of Comparative Physiology Part B. Congratulations - well done!! 09/19: We welcome new graduate students Becky Clark (PhD) and Bailey Bedard (MSc), as well as undergraduates Tyler Eng, Jordan Corcoran, Julianne Magnan and Giancarlo Talarico. 08/19: Jan presented two seminars (at INTA Buenos Aires and IIB-INTECH Chascomús) on endocrine disruption in fish during his recent visit to Argentina. 02/19: Zeinab Altmieme successfully defended her M.Sc. thesis today. Congratulations and well done! 01/19: Successful talks and poster presentation by Melissa, Alexandria, Christine and Dan at this years Rice Lake workshop. Well done! 01/19: Good-bye Tu! Visiting scholar Wenqin Tu will return home to China. We thank you for all your hard work and will miss you in the lab!
03/18: UROP student Manuela Fonseca presented her research project (coauthors Georges Coté and Tess Julian) mentored by MSc student Zeinab Altmieme at this year's UROP research symposium. Well done! ![]() 02/18: Dan Kostyniuk is awarded a Mitacs Globalink grant and will conduct part of his MSc. research at INRA, France. Congratulations Dan! 01/18: The Mennigen lab attended the 27th Annual Rice Lake Workshop in Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, which we co-hosted with the Standen lab. Congratulations on excellent talk and poster presentations Zeinab, Dan, Majd, Adina, Mais and Rida. 12/17: Dr. Lucie Marandel will join the lab as visiting researcher under the European Marie Curie Agreen Skills Plus program. We are excited to collaborate on epigenetic determinants of metabolism in the rainbow trout model. 12/17: PhD student Reem Alharti will join the lab to study developmental and transgenerational consequences of aquatic contaminant exposure on zebrafish metabolism. Welcome Reem! 11/17: Volunteers Tess Julian and Georges Coté as well as UROP student Manuela Fonseca have joined our group. Welcome! 04/17: Dan Kostyniuk (co-supervised with Dr. Gilmour) wins the John Armstrong Biology Honour's thesis award. Well done, Dan! |
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement:
We believe equity, diversity and inclusion is about creating a culture that embraces the uniqueness of individuals. Equity means that people of all identities are treated fairly. Their individual rights, responsibilities and opportunities are not dependent upon identity. Diversity consists of the conditions, expressions, and experiences of different individuals. It encompasses the unique qualities and characteristics that we all possess. Inclusion is the cultivation of an environment in which all people are respected, where their differences are embraced, and where they all have access to the same opportunities. We value equity, diversity, and inclusion because every person has a right to equal treatment, and we are strengthened by diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Building an equitable, diverse, and inclusive research group is collaborative and requires those in positions of privilege to be allies to those who are marginalized. Our goals are to foster a diverse and inclusive environment by continuous and active engagement of all members to remove barriers faced by equity-seeking groups. We will create, support and maintain a learning, research, and work environment that is free from discriminatory and intimidating behaviour. We will continuously address issues related to equity-seeking groups that include, but are not limited to, those represented by race, sex, age, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity, and socioeconomic status. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will also strive to develop and/or enhance existing Indigenous relationships. We will actively work to recognize, develop and promote initiatives towards equity, diversity, and inclusion. These efforts will be data driven and guided by evidence of successful approaches that act to remove barriers to inclusion. We will provide allyship and mentorship to ensure that all members of our research group are treated in a fair and ethical manner and are supported in their path to success. |