Fall 2024:
BIO3137: Experiments in Animal Physiology (English)
Representative experiments to illustrate basic principles of animal physiology (limited enrolment).
BIO4546: Écotoxicologie (Français)
Ce cours explore les difficultés liées à la compréhension de l'impact des substances chimiques toxiques sur les écosystèmes alors que la recherche sur ces substances se fait surtout en laboratoire sur des organismes. L'impact de processus propres à la chaîne alimentaire, la photochimie ainsi que d'autres processus naturels (sédimentation, volatilisation, etc.) seront étudiés.
BIM4920: Seminar I Evaluating Science (English)
Through lectures, student seminars, and/or group discussions, students learn how to critically evaluate the quality of the science in research publications. Course sections are created by discipline.
BIO5950/8950: Recherche et communication en biologie / Research and Communication in Biology (Bilingual)
Module: Science Integrity and data management
Une introduction aux études supérieures en biologie en mettant l'accent sur les compétences centrales requises pour mener à bien des projets de recherche et développer les habiletés professionnelles requises. Le cours s'adresse aux étudiant.e.s débutant.e.s aux cycles supérieurs et sera composé de modules couvrant la rédaction scientifique et la communication orale, la gestion de projets de recherche, le développement de carrière et diverses compétences centrales requises dans les programmes d'études supérieures en biologie. / An introduction to graduate studies in biology with an emphasis on central skills required to successfully conduct research projects and develop required professional abilities. The course is intended for starting graduate students and will be composed of modules covering scientific writing and oral communication, research project management, career development and various central skills required in biology graduate programs.
Fall 2023/Winter 2024:
Winter 2023:
BIO8102: Physiology in the Anthropocene (English)
The Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent period in Earth's history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems. Global climate change encompasses unprecedented alteration of abiotic and biotic factors that impact the physiology of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Temperature, acidification, carbon dioxide and a multitude of pollutants are now considered part of the Anthropocene environment, and all organisms including H. sapiens are challenged with adaptation and evolution in this new world, or face extinction. We will explore current topics in this field, focussing on critical assessment of the scientific literature. Another theme to be addresses is the communication of these complex ideas via public platforms. Assessments will be based on written material, presentations, and class participation (details to be discussed with participants). This course is intended for graduate students with background or knowledge in any of the following areas: animal physiology, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, or ecology.
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Fall 2022:
BlO4146: Ecotoxicology (English)
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization) will be discussed.
Winter 2021:
BIO2510: Physiologie environnementale (Français)
Ce cours examine comment un organisme isolé et en santé réagit aux paramètres physico-environnementaux naturels et anthropogéniques tels la température, l'eau, le pH, les radiations électromagnétiques incluant les rayons ultraviolets, les gaz, la pression et les métaux lourds. Les réponses primaires et secondaires aux divers stress ainsi que l'homéostasie seront examinées. Ce cours est destiné principalement aux étudiants inscrits dans le programme des Sciences Environnementales.
BIO5900/8900: Séminaire de maîtrise et doctorat / M.Sc./ Ph.D. Seminar (English/French)
Obligatoire à la maîtrise et au doctorat. L'obtention de crédit est fondée sur la présentation d'un séminaire jugé satisfaisant par le personnel et sur la participation à l'ensemble du cours. / Compulsory for all MSc/PhD students. For unit, each student must present one/two seminar(s) judged to be satisfactory by the staff and must participate in the course as a whole.
Fall 2021:
BIO5900/8900: Séminaire de maîtrise et doctorat / M.Sc./ Ph.D. Seminar (English/French)
Obligatoire à la maîtrise et au doctorat. L'obtention de crédit est fondée sur la présentation d'un séminaire jugé satisfaisant par le personnel et sur la participation à l'ensemble du cours. / Compulsory for all MSc/PhD students. For unit, each student must present one/two seminar(s) judged to be satisfactory by the staff and must participate in the course as a whole.
BIO4546 Écotoxicologie (Français)
Ce cours explore les difficultés liées à la compréhension de l'impact des substances chimiques toxiques sur les écosystèmes alors que la recherche sur ces substances se fait surtout en laboratoire sur des organismes. L'impact de processus propres à la chaîne alimentaire, la photochimie ainsi que d'autres processus naturels (sédimentation, volatilisation, etc.) seront étudiés.
Winter 2021:
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
BIO5900/8900 Séminaire de maîtrise et doctorat / M.Sc./ Ph.D. Seminar (English/French)
Obligatoire à la maîtrise et au doctorat. L'obtention de crédit est fondée sur la présentation d'un séminaire jugé satisfaisant par le personnel et sur la participation à l'ensemble du cours. / Compulsory for all MSc/PhD students. For unit, each student must present one/two seminar(s) judged to be satisfactory by the staff and must participate in the course as a whole.
Fall 2020:
BIO4220A: 4th Year Honours Seminar / Cellular and Molecular Biology (English)
Through lectures, student seminars, and/or group discussions, students learn how to critically evaluate the quality of the science in research publications.
BlO4146: Ecotoxicology (English)
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization) will be discussed.
CMM 8300 Special Topics in Reproductive and Developmental Biology - Co-Instructor (English)
This advanced level course will provide in-depth study of current topics in reproductive and developmental biology, with emphasis on state-of-the-art molecular and cell biology techniques as well as their applications to reproductive diseases. Seminars and discussion sessions will have a student-centered self-study thrust. The course is team-taught with experts in the various fields of reproduction and developmental biology. Please note: It is recommended that students have taken a 4000- or 5000-level course that includes reproductive physiology.
Winter 2019:
BlO4146: Ecotoxicology (English)
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization) will be discussed.
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Summer 2018:
BIO8102: L'épigénétique moléculaire comparative (Français)
Ce cours couvrira un aperçu théorique des progrès récents en épigénétique comparative en mettant l'accent sur les poisson téléostéens. Un accent particulier sera mis sur les approches méthodologiques axées sur l'utilisation des outils bioinformatiques ainsi que les approches épigénétiques moléculaires pour étudier la méthylation de l'ADN spécifique du promoteur et l'expression des ARN non-codants spécifiques par des approches de PCR en temps réel.
Winter 2018:
BIO2510: Physiologie environnementale (Français)
Ce cours examine comment un organisme isolé et en santé réagit aux paramètres physico-environnementaux naturels et anthropogéniques tels la température, l'eau, le pH, les radiations électromagnétiques incluant les rayons ultraviolets, les gaz, la pression et les métaux lourds. Les réponses primaires et secondaires aux divers stress ainsi que l'homéostasie seront examinées. Ce cours est destiné principalement aux étudiants inscrits dans le programme des Sciences Environnementales.
Fall 2017:
BIO 8361/BIO6304: Advanced Animal Physiology - Co-Instructor (English)
Advanced Animal Physiology is a seminar course that this year will focus on techniques used in comparative physiology. The goal is to introduce you to a variety of experimental techniques, focusing on the theory behind each technique, good practices using it, and the actual and potential applications of the technique in comparative physiology.
Winter 2017:
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Fall 2016:
BIO4920B: 4th year seminar - Physiology Section (English)
Through lectures, student seminars, and/or group discussions, students learn how to critically evaluate the quality of the science in research publications.
BIO8120: Theoretical and practical approaches to microRNA biology in salmonid fish (English)
Through current literature review and discussion and acquisition of in silico and molecular techniques in the lab, students will obtain knowledge and tools to conduct independent research projects in salmonid miRNA biology.
BIO3137: Experiments in Animal Physiology (English)
Representative experiments to illustrate basic principles of animal physiology (limited enrolment).
BIO4546: Écotoxicologie (Français)
Ce cours explore les difficultés liées à la compréhension de l'impact des substances chimiques toxiques sur les écosystèmes alors que la recherche sur ces substances se fait surtout en laboratoire sur des organismes. L'impact de processus propres à la chaîne alimentaire, la photochimie ainsi que d'autres processus naturels (sédimentation, volatilisation, etc.) seront étudiés.
BIM4920: Seminar I Evaluating Science (English)
Through lectures, student seminars, and/or group discussions, students learn how to critically evaluate the quality of the science in research publications. Course sections are created by discipline.
BIO5950/8950: Recherche et communication en biologie / Research and Communication in Biology (Bilingual)
Module: Science Integrity and data management
Une introduction aux études supérieures en biologie en mettant l'accent sur les compétences centrales requises pour mener à bien des projets de recherche et développer les habiletés professionnelles requises. Le cours s'adresse aux étudiant.e.s débutant.e.s aux cycles supérieurs et sera composé de modules couvrant la rédaction scientifique et la communication orale, la gestion de projets de recherche, le développement de carrière et diverses compétences centrales requises dans les programmes d'études supérieures en biologie. / An introduction to graduate studies in biology with an emphasis on central skills required to successfully conduct research projects and develop required professional abilities. The course is intended for starting graduate students and will be composed of modules covering scientific writing and oral communication, research project management, career development and various central skills required in biology graduate programs.
Fall 2023/Winter 2024:
Winter 2023:
BIO8102: Physiology in the Anthropocene (English)
The Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent period in Earth's history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems. Global climate change encompasses unprecedented alteration of abiotic and biotic factors that impact the physiology of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Temperature, acidification, carbon dioxide and a multitude of pollutants are now considered part of the Anthropocene environment, and all organisms including H. sapiens are challenged with adaptation and evolution in this new world, or face extinction. We will explore current topics in this field, focussing on critical assessment of the scientific literature. Another theme to be addresses is the communication of these complex ideas via public platforms. Assessments will be based on written material, presentations, and class participation (details to be discussed with participants). This course is intended for graduate students with background or knowledge in any of the following areas: animal physiology, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, or ecology.
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Fall 2022:
BlO4146: Ecotoxicology (English)
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization) will be discussed.
Winter 2021:
BIO2510: Physiologie environnementale (Français)
Ce cours examine comment un organisme isolé et en santé réagit aux paramètres physico-environnementaux naturels et anthropogéniques tels la température, l'eau, le pH, les radiations électromagnétiques incluant les rayons ultraviolets, les gaz, la pression et les métaux lourds. Les réponses primaires et secondaires aux divers stress ainsi que l'homéostasie seront examinées. Ce cours est destiné principalement aux étudiants inscrits dans le programme des Sciences Environnementales.
BIO5900/8900: Séminaire de maîtrise et doctorat / M.Sc./ Ph.D. Seminar (English/French)
Obligatoire à la maîtrise et au doctorat. L'obtention de crédit est fondée sur la présentation d'un séminaire jugé satisfaisant par le personnel et sur la participation à l'ensemble du cours. / Compulsory for all MSc/PhD students. For unit, each student must present one/two seminar(s) judged to be satisfactory by the staff and must participate in the course as a whole.
Fall 2021:
BIO5900/8900: Séminaire de maîtrise et doctorat / M.Sc./ Ph.D. Seminar (English/French)
Obligatoire à la maîtrise et au doctorat. L'obtention de crédit est fondée sur la présentation d'un séminaire jugé satisfaisant par le personnel et sur la participation à l'ensemble du cours. / Compulsory for all MSc/PhD students. For unit, each student must present one/two seminar(s) judged to be satisfactory by the staff and must participate in the course as a whole.
BIO4546 Écotoxicologie (Français)
Ce cours explore les difficultés liées à la compréhension de l'impact des substances chimiques toxiques sur les écosystèmes alors que la recherche sur ces substances se fait surtout en laboratoire sur des organismes. L'impact de processus propres à la chaîne alimentaire, la photochimie ainsi que d'autres processus naturels (sédimentation, volatilisation, etc.) seront étudiés.
Winter 2021:
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
BIO5900/8900 Séminaire de maîtrise et doctorat / M.Sc./ Ph.D. Seminar (English/French)
Obligatoire à la maîtrise et au doctorat. L'obtention de crédit est fondée sur la présentation d'un séminaire jugé satisfaisant par le personnel et sur la participation à l'ensemble du cours. / Compulsory for all MSc/PhD students. For unit, each student must present one/two seminar(s) judged to be satisfactory by the staff and must participate in the course as a whole.
Fall 2020:
BIO4220A: 4th Year Honours Seminar / Cellular and Molecular Biology (English)
Through lectures, student seminars, and/or group discussions, students learn how to critically evaluate the quality of the science in research publications.
BlO4146: Ecotoxicology (English)
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization) will be discussed.
CMM 8300 Special Topics in Reproductive and Developmental Biology - Co-Instructor (English)
This advanced level course will provide in-depth study of current topics in reproductive and developmental biology, with emphasis on state-of-the-art molecular and cell biology techniques as well as their applications to reproductive diseases. Seminars and discussion sessions will have a student-centered self-study thrust. The course is team-taught with experts in the various fields of reproduction and developmental biology. Please note: It is recommended that students have taken a 4000- or 5000-level course that includes reproductive physiology.
Winter 2019:
BlO4146: Ecotoxicology (English)
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization) will be discussed.
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Summer 2018:
BIO8102: L'épigénétique moléculaire comparative (Français)
Ce cours couvrira un aperçu théorique des progrès récents en épigénétique comparative en mettant l'accent sur les poisson téléostéens. Un accent particulier sera mis sur les approches méthodologiques axées sur l'utilisation des outils bioinformatiques ainsi que les approches épigénétiques moléculaires pour étudier la méthylation de l'ADN spécifique du promoteur et l'expression des ARN non-codants spécifiques par des approches de PCR en temps réel.
Winter 2018:
BIO2510: Physiologie environnementale (Français)
Ce cours examine comment un organisme isolé et en santé réagit aux paramètres physico-environnementaux naturels et anthropogéniques tels la température, l'eau, le pH, les radiations électromagnétiques incluant les rayons ultraviolets, les gaz, la pression et les métaux lourds. Les réponses primaires et secondaires aux divers stress ainsi que l'homéostasie seront examinées. Ce cours est destiné principalement aux étudiants inscrits dans le programme des Sciences Environnementales.
Fall 2017:
BIO 8361/BIO6304: Advanced Animal Physiology - Co-Instructor (English)
Advanced Animal Physiology is a seminar course that this year will focus on techniques used in comparative physiology. The goal is to introduce you to a variety of experimental techniques, focusing on the theory behind each technique, good practices using it, and the actual and potential applications of the technique in comparative physiology.
Winter 2017:
BIO2110: Environmental Physiology (English)
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostasis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Fall 2016:
BIO4920B: 4th year seminar - Physiology Section (English)
Through lectures, student seminars, and/or group discussions, students learn how to critically evaluate the quality of the science in research publications.
BIO8120: Theoretical and practical approaches to microRNA biology in salmonid fish (English)
Through current literature review and discussion and acquisition of in silico and molecular techniques in the lab, students will obtain knowledge and tools to conduct independent research projects in salmonid miRNA biology.